Monday, July 30, 2012

Day 10. West Lebanon NY to East Nassau (2 miles)

("Cliff Notes" Version. Our trip comes to a very quick and very shocking end.).

Given the predictions for a hot, humid afternoon with possible thunderstorms, we had Ava deliver us back to the West Lebanon Auto Track a little earlier this morning, where we had the "flat" yesterday. (I had replaced Elizabeth's rear tube, but also the rear tire the night before).

We had a slight delay, hunting for the GPS Logger that keeps track of our daily progress. Turned out to be inside the leg of my cycing shorts!! Once found, we had Ava take a photo of us about to set off...which is shown below:

David & Elizabeth about to cycle off on (what turned out to be) our final day.

It should be noted at this point, that I remember this photo being taken, and I also remember a quaint, wooden Post Office we passed a few minutes later on Route 20, as we rode west. I do NOT remember anything else from the remainder of this day....but the following information is pieced together from various sources (including Elizabeth, and a bystander, and my GPS Logger....).

Within about 10 minutes (2 1/2 miles) of this photo being taken, a road accident occurred which turned our dreams, plans and 'life' upside down. We were on a long, gentle decline in elevation, picking up a little speed to a maximum of about 24 mph as we crossed a road bridge that spanned a small stream. As was typical, I was in front, with Elizabeth some distance behind. It appears that I was thrown off balance as I crossed a poorly implemented transition from asphalt "blacktop' road-surface to the concrete bridge, tossing me first against the bridge steel superstructure, before I hit the bridgetop road surface face-first and slid to a stop.

What followed was an urgent mix of horror on Elizabeth's part, early intervention on the part of nearby residents, and (later) Emergency Responders. My limp body was loaded into an Ambulance vehicle and driven perhaps a mile or so to a makeshift helipad for helicopter transport to the Albany Medical Center. My helmet had protected me from serious brain damage potential, but provided little protection against facial injuries. I also sustained several breaks and fractures in various bones (rib, foot, clavicle, collarbone....).

The immediate ramification of the accident was to start a 6 day confinement in the Albany Medical Center. But the longer term ramifications are many....including the cancellation of the rest of our plan to cycle all the way to Chicago. Bicycling has now taken a "back seat" to simply returning to normal life. dear blog-followers....I bid you a temporary farewell! I will update this blog sporadically in future as my recovery proceeds. Thanks again for your interest & enthusiasm. I dearly wish we could have proceeded further with our plan of bicycling all the way to Barrington, IL. Oh, well.......

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on you ride across MA! You will figure out another adventure, soon, Daddy-o. I love you and couldn't be any prouder of you - and mom.
