Monday, June 25, 2012

Day 2. Wareham, MA to Raynham (30 mi.)

("Cliff Notes" Version:  With slightly lower heat/humidity we were able to cycle 30 miles in ~ 4 3/4 hours. Highlights included excellent pond views and scenery just south of Lakeville. Another early evening thunderstorm at 'Kampsite').

 After an unsettled night, I emerged from our tent at 7 a.m. Saturday to a steady, light rain which continued for a couple of hours. Given the conditions, I let Elizabeth and Ava sleep on, while I did a few chores, including replacing the inner tube on Elizabeths bike which had ended our ride the day before. Fortunately, by the time they awoke, the skies were clearing a bit and we decided to stay at this "Kampground" for a second night.

Ava attaching tent-fly
 This was only possible by relocating all our belongings to an adjacent site by "checkout time" of 11 a.m. As the skies continued to brighten, we had an early lunch at camp before heading back to yesterdays' end-point in Wareham.

We resumed our ride at 1:20 p.m. on the Cranberry Highway, heading away from the hustle & bustle of the approaches to Cape Cod. For an hour we made good time on quite flat terrain, but the roadside scenery & constant traffic did nothing for us. The major highlight was Ava yelling "Hi" to us as she returned northwards in the van. The heat and humidity were also increasing, though not nearly as bad as the day before.

Our trusty map indicated better scenery (at the expense of a longer route) by turning southwest for 4 miles. We did so and were richly rewarded. The scenery immediately improved, there was more shade and the road traffic was much less.

Elizabeth at Great Quittacas Pond

Then we turned north on Route 105 toward the village of Lakeville. On our 5 mile jaunt there, the undulating route is sandwiched between two pairs of large ponds, providing a full 180 degree view for long stretches as we pedaled on.

David & Little Quittacas Pond
Scores of  'intense' cyclists came by in clusters and, whenever we paused by the side of the road, someone would stop (either on a bike or car) to check if we were alright. Apparently we had stumbled upon a Charity Ride for M.S.! The only other interruption to this gem of a ride was the flat tire I experienced.

As you can see, we made ourselves at home!

Pausing in Lakeville for a "Slushie" at Dunkin' Donuts, we were feeling proud of our better progress today (20 miles by 4:30 pm)...until we spoke with a fellow cyclist (with a bike probably in the $2K+ range) who left Acton, Mass. at 11 a.m. and planned to arrive in Falmouth by nightfall! But we comforted ourselves with our mantra for the summer of 2012 ...."For us, it's the journey, not a race!".
We managed to get another 10 miles in, winding our way to the northern end of Raynham before calling it a day at 6 pm. We thought this little farm stand on the outskirts of town was "picture perfect".
Everything "neat as a pin"
Farmstand in Raynham, Mass.

After Ava collected us, we returned to the campsite just in advance of an expected cold front, which came with a short, sharp thunderstorm. The cooler, drier air behind it felt wonderful after two days of heat and humidity. Ava prepared the evening meal (spaghetti & meatballs)!
Future contestant on "Iron Chef"?

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