Monday, September 17, 2012

Two months of healing.

Today marks 2 months since my "tussle" with the bridge.

As my family keeps reminding me, I have made remarkable progress with my recovery! Various cracked and broken bones have repaired. The mental "fog" of concussion has evaporated. Nose surgery was bypassed & jaw surgery was successful. Various and sundry abrasions and cuts have healed.

My wife and daughters "frame of reference" is the day of the accident, when things looked ugly & grim. So they are quite amazed at how far I've come along in two months. (My perspective? Since I do not remember the accident at all, my own "frame of reference" tends to be the day before the accident when I was fit, happy and unscathed! So I'm typically a little more impatient and critical about returning to my 'normal' standard of health than they are!).

My remaining issues are a "gimpy" sprained right foot, broken teeth and lack of feeling in the upper part of my face (due to nerve aggravation during surgery). Give me a few more months and I'm sure these issues will resolve themselves.

My mental state? I must admit continued disappointment and sadness at not being able to proceed along our planned bicycle journey. It seems that last summer "all the stars were aligned" for Elizabeth and I to accomplish a really interesting and meaningful adventure. (Something I had spent much of the previous year planning and preparing for). The accident arrived on us very early in the a meat cleaver out of nowhere. Whether any of that original dream can be resurrected, is hard to say.

On a brighter note, I have many things to be thankful for. Thankful that the accident was not more severe. Thankful for the loving care provided to me by my wife and daughters. Thankful for the medical personnel at Albany Medical Center & also here at Fallon. And, certainly, tremendously thankful for the flood of cards, letters, emails, visits, gifts of soup, gifts of soft food, etc. that have come my way in the past 2 months. The love and support expressed by (literally) dozens and dozens of friends has been quite stunning.